dinsdag 28 februari 2012

We are Not Fake

Everyone We know it's a easy part to get Install Package Files and APP_HOME and we only tested the BETA so dont say :you are fake, you dont have a CFW bla bla
whe have and will proof And decrypting is very hard
we have to access the meltdrr and that part is 67% done
and the cfw 36%

zaterdag 11 februari 2012

Status update 4.00-JBT

Hello everyone if you followed my on twitter ----> Click here for Twitter

you know that im working on a 4.00 CFW called 4.00 JBT We have some bad news and good news
We have decrypted the peek & poke wrong and we lost the keys so everything is deleted
that because we had a virus FUCKING VIRUS so we are gonna ask you to give us the keys
because our exploit can harm our PS3 so if you can give me the keys we can go further with the jailbreak for 4.00 but we have saved a .txt file and in the txt file we typed in what we must decrypt it's very hard

                                              the good news:
we did a test with the 4.00 CFW beta (without install package files and App home)
and it worked but we still cant run Apps until we find a exploit and it's still not stable enough 
but we go further with the 4.00 JBT so we can only take pictures no Videos (for a while)
and stop sending me transAMgrafX spams they are fake because you cant make a jailbreak in 1 day
and we are not the best in jailbreaking graf_chokolo is the best dev out there so this was a update stay tuned on twitter expect us